Friday, January 13, 2012

~ Skarner ~

So I bought Skarner the other day and only had enough time to play a couple games with him, and I have to say I think he is really fun to play. He has really strong clearing ability in the jungle, strong ganks before and after lvl6,     awesome ulti. Just an all round good Champion in my opinion.
The first time I played Skarner on a free week I hated him, mostly because I had no idea how to play him, but after watching LoL pro Saintvicious on his stream play him I realized that he is not only good, but fun champion to play. I would recommend watching pro LoL player to anyone that wants to learn the game better. To many games I see kids that have no idea what they are doing, kids with 1000+ games played and they still act like its the first game they have ever played. CLG being my favorite team I tend to watch a lot of HotshotGG and Saintvicious which I have learn lots of different things about this game just from watching what they do in certain situations and just how to lane and overall play well.

You can find streams here. also guides on every champions on there websites.

"Many more posts to come!"

Thursday, January 12, 2012

~ Jax Remake ~

So with Riot taking dodge out of League of Legends the champion Jax had to get remade due to the fact that he heavily depended on dodging attacks so that he could use his stun ability. Riots view on dodge was that it was anti fun, and it didn't really take any skill to be able to dodge repeatably on auto attack based champions. Here is the new Jax.

I think that with this remake that jax will become a really strong jungler for his high damage at early levels and now has a stun that he can use when even he wants to and doesn't have to wait to get a dodge now. I honestly think that his jungle has the potential to be up there with Skarners and Maowkai's, which are 2 of the strongest right now.