So I haven't been playing much League lately so I haven't posted anything about it in a bit, I haven't been playing because my account got suspended :(. Im pretty sure it got suspended because im sick of all the bad kids that don't know how to play they game and ruin it for people that actually dont want to lose because obviously im not trying to lose if im playing. So if your one of those people that picks a different champion every game and doesn't know how to play any one of them well, just go play in the AI matches and stop being bad, maybe look up some video's of pro's playing or guides how to play so your not useless and just piss people that are trying to play off.
Riots "leave no noobie behind" thing is stupid ass hell, and if they really wanted to help new people they would stop matching people with 100 wins with people that have 400-1000 wins in normals. They also should do something about the fresh level 30's that go into ranked games, this is why people cry about elo hell its because you cant do anything to get out of ranked elo hell unless you dou que and just happen to be able to carry the bad kids that you will get.
Well my account gets un-suspended today so im kinda happy about that, but yeah there's my little rant about stuff that makes me mad bro.