Tuesday, August 2, 2011

My Wukong review

I know that i said that it would take a couple days till i could review Wukong, The Monkey King but after playing 6 or 7 games with him its safe to say that my opinion on him is strong. I would like to start off by saying that i like him and think that he is very fun to play. As i predicted he is very hard to gank in lane because of his "W" skill which is decoy, but one thing i predicted wrong was how i was going to build him. After playing my first game i kind of saw his E-W combo much like Poppy's combo, so i built a Trinity Force then tanky items. I know i said that he looked like he didn't need to be a tanky dps champion but the fact is he isn't a HUGE burst champion so only really one way to go with it. during early game he is fun if your lane partner isn't really bad, because he is a good at harassing.

With building him tanky i found that i can successfully get my full ult off in a team fight, which after reading the LoL site forums i saw was a problem because he tends to get focus'd down or CC'd so he cant move while he is spinning. I haven't gotten to go late enough into a game were i can get a full build but if i did this would most likely be my build,  Merc tred's - Trinity Force - Banshee's (or FoN) - Wit's end (if AP heavy) - Infinity Edge - last item is pretty much optional, i would go with w/e your team needs if u need damage get damage u need more buff-ness get a tank item. also the summoners i have been running on this set-up have been ghost-ignite, with 21-0-9 masteries, with AD pen marks, life per lvl seals, and CD blues. ( i don't recommend CD blues if your going to buy runes just for him)


  1. I'm a little confused, but the menu looks like a mix of Oblivion and Super Mario RPG in a way. lol Looks neat!

  2. I realllly need to check out this league of legends thing.

  3. he will get nerfed... so hard
    and you know it ^^
    but nice review

  4. I need to try this champion, he looks very interesting.
    Nice review ^^

  5. Where's a monkey? Also nice review! It is very interesting!

  6. hey really god articles on your blog thanks for the follow, i followed yours cause i liked it so much and i added you to my morning coffee!

  7. I may check out this game it sounds interesting.

  8. Awesome review, makes me want to check out the game.

  9. Need to check out the game. Have time since I quit WoW.

  10. when i read about him he sounded quite badass

  11. Good review man. I'm actually interested in checking this out now.

  12. This is like reading another language.

  13. good review :) will try your build

  14. Yeah the menu totally does remind me of oblivion!

  15. Going to check him out now

  16. Definitely going to check this out.

  17. Great blog man +follow to you

  18. i think i'll try this when I have some free time :)

  19. Excellent review was infomative +1

  20. What's the price range on this?

  21. Haven't had a chance to play him yet but ive played against him a few times. Seems to just straight out rape squishies and offers some nice utility. Followed for moar LoL

  22. please someone explain to me what is this league of legends stuff! i don't get it!

  23. Looks great to me. Keep up the good work!

  24. well i have to play this again...

  25. Thinking about getting into league of legends too, can anyone recommend a good starter hero. Preferably a ranged one.

  26. never heard of the game, will try it out when you give it this review ^^

  27. now this is something i can legit +follow, seeing as i DO play this game like everyday

  28. Hmm, he's an interesting character allright, that monkey king.

  29. Reminds me so much of Garen. Nice stats!
