Saturday, August 27, 2011

Some games as ~ Talon ~

So I got talon and have been playing him a bunch, and I can say he is really fun! Right from the start I could tell that this champion would take some time to learn. Talon has a lot of escape ability whether he is getting ganked or just losing a fight and needs to get away. One thing I find hard is team fighting with him, often I wait for our tank to go in then hop on one of there carries just to get blasted away, as far as cleaning up kills and sticking on people when they try to run I would say he is one of the best. Here are some games I played as him.

 I find the bloodthirster so be a good item on him because of how easy he can get it farmed up, also the merc tread boots help a lot because he is a champ that needs to be cc'd so he doesn't get away. Anyways just wanted to let you guys know that he is as fun to play as he looks and he has a very cool set of abilities.